Rest on the Weekend?

Not me!
Apart from being nocturnal lately, I can't seem to stay still for more than a few minutes.
Stress overload to say the least and a move to another country that is approaching occupy a large portion of my thoughts leaving no plans of relaxing. Add a slight cold and you have the whole picture.
I have so many books that I want to read and no time to do it.
I just keep ordering more and pilling them up in the living room hoping that I will soon get around to it.
This really should be me...

The good part is that I finally managed to take some pictures and add a few pieces in the shop.

I have been quite influenced/inspired by the recent Eclipse and being the geek that I am I loved making some lovely "spacy" necklaces :)
Impact Crater Oxidized Necklace Sterling Silver

And some block earrings that I am already addicted to wearing myself :)
 Modern Brushed Rectangular Blocks Earring Studs

I also found some great tutorials that I will share with you during the week so I am very excited to find some time to try some of them out as well.

What do you do on weekends? Do you try to rest and recharge or go all out instead?


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