Not a Diamond...but Still a Rock

Lately I seem to enjoy making earrings that may resemble a stone but are simply metal.
 For example the Cube Earring Studs.
They have a lovely shinny mirror-like finish and most people mistake them for stones such as zircon when I wear them because of the way they reflect the light.

Or the Oxidized Full Moon Earring Studs that have an Onyx-like pearly finish.

Tutorial : DIY Striped Sunglasses

Summer calls for sunglasses so why not give a makeover to a boring pair or give new life to an old one!
That's exactly what I thought when I came across this fantastic tutorial.
(image by WhatIWore)

It is no surprise actually considering the genius lady behind What I Wore but still it is quite amazing what you can do with a pair of sunglasses, glue and paper.

Flickr Favorites : Midsummer

Happy Midsummer!
Wherever you celebrate it make sure you have a good time, eat delicious food, dance, smell gorgeous flowers, enjoy each other's company and if you drink put away those car keys. Make sure you have someone to drive you home safe so that you can repeat today next year :)

Flickr Fvorites: Midsummer

More Flickr Favorites at ArtMind's blog :)

Recipe : Strawberry Cream Cake - Happy Midsummer!

Midsummer is a very big deal in Sweden. Or rather Midsummer's Eve. I never really got why Swedes celebrate things like Christmas, Midsummer etc the day before but they seem really into that.

So this long weekend in Sweden, people are celebrating the summer solstice and the longest days of the year, enjoying the midnight sun, getting wet cause it will for sure rain once again, drinking their body weight in various forms of alcohol and eating anything that can be grilled/served with heavy cream and strawberries. In general having lots of fun!

I don't drink but I do enjoy the cream and strawberries part of the menu so let me serve you a bit of strawberry heaven.

Strawberry Cream Cake

(image by CrumblyCookie)

Tutorial : DIY Drawstring Coin Purse

I always have coins here and there due to the lack of a place for them in my wallet.
Of course they end up disappearing.
I was very happy when I stumbled upon the Between the Lines website which features the easier and cutest drawstring coin purse tutorial ever!

(image by BetweenTheLines)

I unfortunately don't have have any leather on hand and I am trying really hard to resist tearing apart a purse so that I get some scraps, so I will try it tomorrow with some denim I have coming for the Denim Wedges.

"Here's what you'll need:

Recipe: Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

I am overwhelmed by the cuteness and yumminess of the following.
Not only is the idea amazing but Hungry Happenings has great photos to accompany this delicious recipe.

 How amazingly cute are these Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies !

(image by HungryHappenings)
Peanut-buttery goodness!

Rest on the Weekend?

Not me!
Apart from being nocturnal lately, I can't seem to stay still for more than a few minutes.
Stress overload to say the least and a move to another country that is approaching occupy a large portion of my thoughts leaving no plans of relaxing. Add a slight cold and you have the whole picture.
I have so many books that I want to read and no time to do it.
I just keep ordering more and pilling them up in the living room hoping that I will soon get around to it.
This really should be me...

The good part is that I finally managed to take some pictures and add a few pieces in the shop.

Tutorial : DIY Studded Wrap Bracelet

A lot of bracelets around lately but since it is summer that is quite normal. What better way to decorate tanned wrists?
If you like bracelets and leather than you are in luck with this easy yet fabulous leather bracelet tutorial from DismountCreative :)

(image by dismountcreative)

So easy that I made one myself before I even put up this post. 
Thankfully I had all materials needed here except I used a different kind of fastener so that I can use it both as a bracelet and a belt :)

Tutorial : DIY Denim Wedges

Personally I love wedges, especially sandal ones in the summer so I was very happy when I stumbled upon this fantastic tutorial.
I have a few pairs that I plan on "resurrecting" with the help of the gorgeous and genius 
Jessica of What I wore.

She turned these
(image by WhatIWore

into these
(image by WhatIWore)

Tutorial : DIY Snowglobes

I sort of collect snow-globes. 
They are like small worlds in a glass ball that come alive when I am not around.  
My therapist says that is OK.

The brilliant Mitsy of ArtMind makes fantastic tutorials and one of them happens to be a
(image by ArtMind)
"Here is what you need:

Tutorial : DIY Bright Chain Bracelet

If you love the current fashion trend of flashy bright colors and color blocking then you will love this tutorial.
Dismount Creative has a great easy tutorial on how to make your own bright woven chain bracelet. Perfect for summer and you can always play around with the colors to adjust it to your fall/winter wardrobe.
(image by Dismount Creative)

You will only need 3 things and if you are the lazy kind you can just buy a kit for this bracelet from Dismount Creative right away.

Tutorial : DIY Sugar Cubes

I am quite obsessed with tutorials lately. I have some of my own in the works (in my head but still...) but until then I hope you guys like my finds as much as I do.

If you do then you will love this one!
(image by niftythriftythings)

Lunar Eclipse 2011

A long one that lasted around 5 hours no less! But no.
I was not supposed to see any of it.
I was armed with my Google Sky app on my android (to find the moon..), 
my camera and pepper spray (for the weirdos) and off I went.

Eclipse 15/06/11

Along came the clouds so my hike was cut short. Not that I had much of a chance since we have midnight sun up here but I was determined to at least try and pretend that I could see a little bit of a moon on the baby blue sky.
Well at least Oly (my dog) enjoyed the walk.

You can watch it kind of on demand thanx to google's homepage
The next one is on December 10th so be ready.

Clouds need NOT attend

Tutorial : DIY Homemade Donuts

I thought the friendship bracelet tutorial was so much fun and a perfect way to reminisce a little bit of my childhood crafty days. Then I was lucky enough to stumble upon a very talented multitasking lady that not only made a colorful friendship bracelet but added some mouthwatering homemade donuts to that! 

Tutorial : DIY T-Shirt Pom Poms

I stumbled on this fantastic tutorial for pom poms that you can make using a simple t-shirt!

How amazing do these pom poms look? And the possibilities are quite endless, from decorating to accessorising your outfit with them.

Flickr Favorites : Fairytales

Flickr Favorites


Some People Say...

Love by Nott Designs
Love, a photo by Nott Designs on Flickr.
...that you shouldn't blog about your pets because it is boring for others to read about.

Well I love reading about other people's pets and I love writing/talking about my own piece of joy Oly!

Anything that cute and fluffy has a place in here :)
She just got off antibiotics for a nasty tick disease and is a bit slow still but I really hope she will get over it completely.
She needs to spice things up again in the area :)

Tutorial : DIY Friendship Bracelet

Just stumbled on this very cool tutorial for friendship bracelets. I loved making these when I was younger and the color combinations are pretty much endless given you have a lot of thread :)
Perfect for summer right? 

 (image by Honestly…WTF)

♥ O.P.I ♥ Addiction

♥ O.P.I ♥ by 3andoo™
♥ O.P.I ♥, a photo by 3andoo™ on Flickr.
I am seriously addicted to O.P.I nail polish! I just adore all the gorgeous shades and the fact that the polish stays on for more than a week and withstands most of my dish washing and crafting :)

I love them so much that I often forget which shades I have which resulted in buying some doubles which I think I will give away on this blog sometime soon.

I really must take some pics of the shades to try and keep track!

Do you use O.P.I or maybe a different brand that works better for you?
Do tell :)